Moov Ottawa Dance et ses compagnies et lieux associés croient que la sécurité, la prévention des blessures et la santé sont une priorité pour tous nos événements, cours et ateliers. Nous mettons en place des stratégies et des orientations pour éviter de "se blesser" dans nos environnements. La danse de rue est de haut niveau, à haute énergie et demande beaucoup d'attention à votre corps, et nous fournissons donc les outils pour se déplacer dans nos espaces avec grâce. Ex : Nous essuyons nos sols pour nous assurer qu'il n'y a pas d'eau renversée ou d'objets tranchants tels que du verre brisé. Nous dirigeons les mouvements à un rythme lent et augmentons progressivement la vitesse pour correspondre à la musique. Nous ajustons votre corps en pointant nos mauvais mouvements en classe. Nous appliquons notre code de conduite.
Si vous vous blessez,Moov Ottawa Dance et sa salle - actuellement le Centre Bronson - ne sont pas tenus responsables des blessures qui pourraient survenir.Les personnes majeures sont responsables de leur bien-être en classe. Mais, Moov appellera le 911 en cas d'urgence et traitera la situation du mieux possible. Alea, directrice artistique et enseignante, est certifiée RCR. Alea et Arnaldo ont tous deux leur contrôle de police pour secteur vulnérable.
Moov is not responsible for any lost or stolen items during events, workshops or classes.
We do not offer any refunds for any adult classes, workshops or services on any basis, regardless of the situation. Full transparency, we are a small business coming out of the pandemic who only run programs sporadically. For our weekly classes, we offer a 1-time "make-up" class if you miss a class within your 6-week program. We do no offer credits into other sessions. Please respect small businesses and our policies.
Kids, Youth & Teen credit policy: If you child must drop out of the class (regardless of the reason), the primary or secondary guardian/parent may credit the class to themselves for Adult classes until the end of that term. If the classes are not completed by this date, the classes are lost and no further credits will continue. Example: If the child drops out after 12 classes and they have a remaining 24 classes, the guardian may take up to 24 Adult classes that are within "6 week programs" (Special workshops and pop-ups are not part of this option) until the end of the term. If the guardian only takes 5 classes and the remaining 19 are not used, they are lost and no refunds or further credits will be given.
We will cancel the class if there are less than 6 students registered per class. We will inform you on the final registration day and you will receive your full refund within 48-72 hours.
​Payment plans: We do not currently offer payment plans.
We charge in CAD + hst on classes, workshops, school programs, etc.
photos & video in class/events: Adults -We do take photos and videos during all our classes, workshops, battles and events for promotional and inspirational purposes. We offer the option to be in this media. If you wish to not be featured in any of our social media posts, YouTube video etc, please inform us prior to the event. All our kids, youth, teen and school workshops/classes have been informed of our approach and they have media releases filled out prior to class. Similarly, we welcome those who take videos of themselves in our spaces (events). Photographers and videographers not associated with Moov can also take photos and videos of our group as long as those they are capturing are above the age of 18 and have informed us of their pursuit to create a video or photo for inspirational and artistic purposes (events). If we feel that the nature of the photographer or videographer is capturing content for inappropriate reasons, we will step in to ensure the safety and comfort of our students and community.
may 5th, 2022: To reiterate our current practice, we do not require proof of vaccination for any of our classes, workshops, North Moovment or events via The Bronson Centre. We do not require usage of masks. We do recommend the use of masks, being fully vaccinated and highly recommend hand washing, but it is not enforced. Social distancing is encouraged. If you are sick, even with mild symptoms (mild headache etc), have covid or have been a high risk contact, do not attend our event/class! If you are unsure what to do prior to attending, contact us first - we're very transparent :). Please feel better and join us when you are well. See their policy here.
MARCH 22nd, 2022: As followed with the policy through The Bronson Centre, we will no longer require masks to be worn during our classes or workshops. It will be optional. Social distancing will be encouraged. See their policy here.
MARCH 15TH, 2022: As followed with the policy through The Bronson Centre, we will no longer require proof of vaccination nor follow any contact tracing. Masks mandates remain in place but folks will be allowed to remove them while dancing. See their policy here.
FEBRUARY 25TH, 2022: COVID-19 VACCINATION POLICY FOR KIDS 7-11: At this time, the venue we are using does not require kids 7-11 to be fully vaccinated. This being said, as the parent, to enter the building, you must be fully vaccinated. Read The Bronson Centre policy here. Kids must wear their masks while they begin dancing but may remove it to breathe properly when exerting themselves in class.
JANUARY 31ST, 2022: We are officially open for in-person learning & shows. All Covid-19 protocols are still in effect (masks, hand washing, vaccine proof etc)
JANUARY 21ST, 2022: We will be opening up our in-person classes & programs beginning February 1st, 2022. All the protocols below will still be in effect.
JANUARY 4TH, 2022: With the new restrictions from the Ontario government, Moov Ottawa's in-person classes, workshops & community projects are cancelled/postponed. Virtual/Online School Programs will continue as usual. All in-person programs will resume in February 2022, or when indoor recreational activities re-open.
DECEMBER 18TH, 2021: Masks will be mandatory at all times, even when dancing, but will be allowed to remove it to drink water or when changing into a new mask, which will be provided at the entrance.